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miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Death penalty

Another Texas Execution Thrown in Doubt by New DNA Tests ( Innocent )

Negative: The man was sentenced with death penalty in 2000, then years ago, theyt noticed that the man was innocent, and we was senteced in the bad way.

Positive: The man who really made the execution, was sentenced in 2007, and has paid his punishment.

Jury Deadlocks on Death Penalty for Murder of Police Officer ( guilty)

Positive: Defense attorney David Rudenstein noted that deadlocks in such cases aren't unusual: "Jurors get much more entrenched on death cases than they get entrenched on the question of guilt or innocence... It's a lot to ask of people."

Negative:A capital jury in Philadelphia illustrated the divisiveness and arbitrariness of the death penalty when it could not decide on a sentence for Rasheed Scrugs, who admitted to killing Police Officer John Pawlowski.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010

Mun questions

How is death penalty affecting or helping society?

I think, death penalty is helping society, cause when a thief do bad things, he has to be punished.
But they just stay in a nursery, where there is more corruption than outside, so I think it could be better if they just disspear from this world, cause even they have rights of been alive, they lost they rights when they kill a person.
But another point would be that, people with money, is not getting any punishment, they just pay and thats all.´

How is religion and cultures affecting or helping society?

I think its affecting society, cause when religion and culture have problems like discrimination, violence, bullying and others, sometimes they dont talk and think about the situation, they just stay using violence.
It could be better if someone creates a rulebook about religion and cultures differences.
It could be a nice method to stop the discrimination and violence.

martes, 19 de octubre de 2010

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

Successful rescue of 33 miners in Chile

Sebastian Pinera, the Chilean president, has said that all 33 miners trapped underground for the past 17 days are still alive.

Pinera announced on Sunday that the trapped miners had made contact through a written note attached to a drill that signalled the good news.

"All 33 of us are well inside the shelter," Pinera read, waving a message scribbled in red pencil sent by the miners 700 meters (2,300 feet) below the ground.

"This came out of the ground. It's a message from our miners telling us they are alive, that they are together."


His words were met by a roar of cheers, as friends and families wept and hugged each other in relief after days of fading hopes.

Until Sunday, there had been no word from them and hopes for their survival were fading.

The miners have been trapped since the collapse of a small gold and copper mine near the northern city of Copiapo on August 5.

"It would take at least four months of drilling to reach and bring out the trapped miners"

Andres Sougarret, chief engineer of rescue effort

Mine officials and family had hoped the workers were able to escape to the shelter when the walls collapsed but there were fears that air and food supplies would be limited.

Despite the dramatic breakthrough, the chief engineer in charge of the rescue operation, Andres Sougarret, said it would take at least four months of drilling to reach and bring out the trapped miners.

Pablo Fernandez, a journalist in the Chilean capital, Santiago, told Al Jazeera that rescue effort was far from over.

"The next step is to establish direct contact with the miners who have been trapped for 17 days.

"In the next few hours, the authorities hope to have audio and video of the workers, also clean water, medicines and a special nutritional gel will be sent down the shaft."

Authorities concur that it could take up to 120 days to dig a new tunnel to rescue the miners.

Public pressure

Fernandez said that the note which was taped to a drill had brought relief to government officials who had been under severe pressure from the public.

"This represents a big relief for the Chilean government who have been under mounting pressure from family members and relatives of the trapped miners, because they thought that not enough was being done."

The Chilean President said the entire nation was elated to receive the good news. [AFP]

President Pinera has sacked top officials of Chile's mining regulator and vowed a major overhaul of the agency in light of the accident.

"Obviously, there is a degree of happiness," a beaming Mining Minister Laurence Golborne told state television from the mine entrance, where relatives of the trapped men have been camped out for over a fortnight.

"I thank the miners for their bravery, for their courage in holding out more than two weeks in the depths of the mountain," Pinera said.

"They'll come out thin and dirty, but whole and strong, because the miners have shown they have courage and mettle, which is what has kept them together."

Serious mining accidents are rare in Chile, but the government says the San Jose mine, owned by local private company Compania Minera San Esteban Primera, has suffered a series of mishaps and up to 16 miners have lost their lives in recent years.

After a full day of uninterrupted work, the 33 miners trapped since August 5th more than 600 meters deep at a mine in northern Chile, were rescued on Wednesday night.
"I hand over my shift and I hope this never happens again. Thanks to all of Chile and to those who have cooperated. I feel proud of being a Chilean," the miner said to President Sebastián Piñera when he stepped out of the capsule of only 54 centimeters in diameter that had hauled him up the 622 meter duct.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010


Animals in Washington D.C

1 Why is Rock Creek Park so important for washington?
A= Cause is fourth oldest national pask in U.S and its like too old, so they take alot of care of it.

2 In your opinion keeping animals in good condition is impoirtant because . . .
A= Cause if we take care of it we can trust that they will not disappear, and we can trust that this animals will exist in the future and will never disappear. n__n

3 Write 5 differences between nationals parks in mexico an in USA

1 USA parks are bigger
2USA parks are clean and great
3USA parks have more security
4USA parks have people who cares about it
5USA has more parks in every town.

Homework Composition

Why we dont have to speak spanish in english class.

First of all, its obviously that in an english class we dont have to speak spanish! Cause well is english class ¬¬.

But soemtimes its difficult to us to talk english all the time, well with the teacher its too easy, but with our friends i think its a little bit difficult.

Cause all the time in our lifes we are talking and talking and talking spanish, and just in english class we have to talk all in spanish.

But teacher Eli has his reasons about just english in class, cause we are level C! (Advanced) and we have to be the best . n_n

And well for me is not difficult to talk english all the time, but for others its a little difficult more.

Well teacher, I will try to talk all the time in english, n__n dont worry, i will be ok jaja xD!

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Teenage life

Like Music ( Rock)
Like to Sleep ( all day xD!)
Like Anime!

Dislike Reggaeton
Dislike Famous People
Dislike Some Dudes

I like to read Science Fiction

I think blogs are the best way to do homework, Easy, Confortable and Quick.

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

5 Steps for an exam

1 Study hard everyday
2 Dont get nervous, you can do it
3 Ask any doubt after the exam
4 Relax, its just an exam
5 Be optimism never give up n__n.


Bullying is when a person starts bothering someone, and the other man gets scared and the other person hurts his feelings.

Bullying affects students too hard, cause when someone bothers you, they hurt your feelings, and you start crying aloud.

Image Tornado

1 Cause its a tornado! Its awesome! how a simple storm can become this.
2 How is it created, its great


Respect, respect is a thing that help us in our daily life, cause if we dont interfere in others rights, is when we are respecting each others, with respect everything goes nice, cause if we just use respect all the time, the others will have to respect us, its like an infinite chain that never ends.

Teacher, we will Respect forever n_n.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Image poem!

Teacher, here is yhe picture of my poem, hope you count of it. n__n

lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010

Homework Bicentenary

Mi cousin disguised as Hidalgo :P

1We make a mexican night at my aunt's house, it was fun

2 We supposely make a independence to have liberty and rights, but well i really dont think so, cause if you see in how conditions are we living, we are not " free" haha xD!

domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010

Poem Homework


Yesterday I saw your eyes crying,
I saw some of your tears falling,
How many tears do I have to catch?
How much pain did i have to feel?
Anyone could say nothing,
But i think its better to suffer sometimes,
Cause you will become stronger,
And the pain will not hurt you anymore.

Luis Jorge Ruiz Chico - Washington

domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010

You Only live Once - Thse Strokes

Ooooooooh Ooooh Ooooh
Some people think they're always right
Others are quiet and uptight
Others they seem so very nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice...(oh-ho)
Inside they might feel sad and wrong (oh no)

Twenty-nine different attributes
Only seven that you like (uh oh)
Twenty ways to see the world (oh-ho)
Twenty ways to start a fight (oh-ho)

Oh don't, don't, don't get up
Sh-sh-sh-sh-I can't see the sunshine
I'll be waiting for you, baby
Cause I'm through
Sit me down
Shut me up
I'll calm down
And I'll get along with you

Oh, men don't notice what they got
Oh, women think of that a lot...
A thousand ways to please your man (oh-ho)
Not even one requires a plan (I know)

And countless odd religions, too
It doesn't matter which you choose (oh no)
One stubborn way to turn your back (oh-ho)
This I've tried and now refuse (oh-ho)

Oh don't, don't, don't get up
Sh-sh-sh-sh-I can't see the sunshine
Oh, I'll be waiting for you, baby
Cause I'm through
Sit me down
Shut me up
I'll calm down
And I'll get along with you

Shut me up
Shut me up
And I'll get along with you

1 I choose this song, cause its my favorite of the strokes

2 The message of this song taks about all the things taht are in life, and that you have to enjoy them.

Homework photos

I like teh 3 of them but i better like the one with my family, cause it was when influenza was affecting mexico, we all have our mouth protection n_n

Homework english

I choose this one because here we are all working ( the questions are allready in your blog teacher)

jueves, 18 de febrero de 2010


Like this?

lol ( laugh out load :P)

xD ( xD)

.____. ( JOJO)

O.o ( yeah)

_3_ ( kiss,)

e_e ( lol)