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domingo, 13 de febrero de 2011

Wallace and Grommit

1.- Mention the steps to produce a movie animation?
2.- Why is Wallace and Gromit a good example of this production?
3.- What other works did you know about animations?


1.- First the animator draws a storyboard, a series pf the film. The storyoboard is used to plan hte film in detail. Then a model of the character is made, and the designer plans the background, next, the director has a reherseal to make sure that everyone knows what they are doing. After that, they are ready to shoot the film, the voices are recordered, and the animator moves the models mouths, so the characters seem to speak.

2.-ocurrentCause it talks abour team work between an animal and a human, its a good example for children to do nice things, they make alot of inventions.

3.- Vete a la versh, Dr Goku consultory, Zaboo Mafu, etc.

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