Rob 16 Advice:
Don't worry man, there's always another way to solve it, Why you dont try to study in a club after school? It could be a good idea to get with your friends to study so you cold learn together and it cold be easier for you :)
Lara 15 Advice
A friend that has taht attitude is not a real friend, if you tell them, they will understand if they are real friends, if they not, it's better to get away of that people, it won't benefit you in any way :)
Joe 15 Advice
Don't take care about them, just try to take a courageous position, also, tell your parents, and tell the school director, so they will not bother you anymore, also you can't be easy, you have to be respected. :)
Abbie 16 Advice
You can try one omre time, but don't trusting she, make her to won your own trust, if she don't, well, just tell her why she could be your friend anymore, that type of persons can't be friends, just Dont worry :)
I had a problem with a person who just was mean to me, I just ignore it, but he was just bothering and bothering, so i just wait , and the situation relaxed itself, if you dont show any fear to him, they will leave ypou alone, that's the fact.
So cool